Thank you for your purchase from Chatbots Decoded! We hope you are happy with your purchase. However, if you are not completely satisfied with your purchase for any reason, you may return it to us for
a full refund only. Please see below for more information on our refund policy.
Please send us an email within 7 days of your purchase in order to get the refund process started. After reviewing your reason for requesting a refund, we will process your return. Please allow at least seven (7) days from the receipt of your item to process your return. Refunds may take 1-2 billing cycles to appear on your credit card statement, depending on your credit card company. We will notify you by email when your return has been processed.
The following items cannot be returned:
● Services rendered by Chatbots Decoded
Please Note
● Sale items are FINAL SALE and cannot be returned.
● Refunds will not given out after more than 14 days after purchase.
If you have any questions concerning our return policy, please contact us at:
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